About hii

Power to the People

Personally controlled identity.

The human identity infrastructure is a project of the hii Foundation, a global nonprofit organization, owned by the people for the people, whose mission is to build an identity system for the world that eliminates identity fraud and protects our privacy.

hii Foundation is not funded by an endowment.

Instead, hii is meant to be fully self-sustaining by providing real value to both the donors that support it and the public it serves.

hii is FREE for everyone to use. This includes all software created by the hii open source project, all hii APIs, and all mobile applications. No person or business will ever have to pay to use it, preventing commercial interests from influencing and abusing the system.

By the People For the People.

Our mission is to provide Everyone with free and unfettered access to their own personally controlled, universally accepted, privacy preserving, secure, irrevocable, personal identity infrastructure; built for all identification purposes; for both the online and offline world.

This might seem like a massive undertaking, but it is actually completely achievable. All we need to do is to band together as individuals and take the following collective actions:

Take the first step.

Simply signing up to join the network and get hii for yourself is the first step toward taking back control over your privacy and security.

hii is FREE for everyone to use. No person or business will ever have to pay to use it, preventing commercial interests from influencing and abusing the system.

Support our work.

Support the hii Foundation’s work to complete the development of hii and to manage the network as a public common.

Once fully deployed hii will be able to serve the entire world at a cost of less than $1 per person per year.

If you believe in the importance of securing your personal data from the corporations who are tracking you, we encourage you to donate what you can.

It will take the collective action of millions of people to protect our rights to privacy and security. Your donations are crucial to launching this resource.


Get the word out!

Our success as a tool for the global community depends heavily on people getting excited about our plan.

While we are in the development phase and working to get the network launched, we are also recruiting leaders, influencers, and brand ambassadors.

We are a collective, a nonprofit, and a grassroots initiative to create a better internet for everyone. As such we will be rolling out promotional content to pass around.

Small acts of support like sharing our plan, and our site, help immensely to make our vision a reality. Together we can make a change.

Power to the People.

We have the power to do this for ourselves. We can chose to hold the companies we do business with to a higher standard.

We can step up and tell Big Tech companies that they cannot continue to surveil us, package us, and sell our personal data without our consent. We can start by reclaiming control over our personal identity data with hii.

Join our mission.

Support hii today and help us build a safer internet for everyone.

All of us.  Together.

Join the revolution!

Support hii
Support hii